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K-5 Student Lessons

Upcoming Student LIVE Lesson Schedule.

Greg Tang Student Lessons

Why have more than 2 million students joined Greg’s online lessons? Because they love learning math visually. They love sharing their thinking. They love drawing and modeling problems. They join because Greg's lessons are educational, empowering, engaging, enlightening, and enjoyable!

Greg invites you to team-teach with him. He says, "Together, we will build the foundational skills kids need all year. I don't believe more is better. I think better is better and less can be so much more." Greg's unique teaching technique will take your student's math skills to a new level.

In each 20-30 minute lesson, Greg will teach a specific K-5 math skill in a carefully crafted progression. Our new subscription allows you to join live lessons when you can and/or view the lesson replays on your own schedule. Whether it is a large-group live lesson, or even a recording, your students will feel like Greg is in the classroom working directly with them!

What are Teachers Saying?

"My students loved it! They felt like Greg was speaking directly to them. They were engaged, and participated beautifully!"

"Great content! It was not only informative for my students but also helped me learn how to teach this content as well."

"My kids (and I) always love Greg's lessons! He is highly engaging and they are too. I think they are sick of hearing me teach all day every day so Greg is a nice break for them. They always get excited when we have a lesson with him. He makes things so easy to understand."

"Thanks so much. I am new to teaching math and it was the perfect way to get my own PD and teach my remote students at the same time."

"Loved how the lesson was taught. It was a concept my kiddos had struggled with and it helped having them hear from someone other than myself!"



LIVE Lessons

Join us at the scheduled time.

Included with Classroom Subscription


PPV Replay

Can't make it to a live lesson? Purchase a replay to watch on your schedule!

Single Replay


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Full School


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Already purchased a Replay? Click here to schedule your lessons.

Available Recordings Show

What to expect

Kindergarten lessons are approximately 20 minutes long.
Grade 1 to 5 lessons are approximately 30 minutes long.

Live Lessons

Links and passwords to view the lesson will be emailed to everyone that is properly registered the day before or the morning of the event.

There are 4 different options for joining the meeting. Please choose the one that works best for you and your students:
It is a good idea to be prepared with a backup option.

For face-to-face classrooms with a projector:

Option 1 - The teacher joins via Greg's Zoom* meeting
*Webcam required for Zoom meeting.
*Not for individual students.
*Camera must show classroom for Greg to interact with students.
Option 2 - The teacher joins via web browser

For virtual, hybrid, or 1-1 classrooms:
Option 3 - The teacher and students join via web browser using individual devices.
Option 4 - The teacher & students join via their own meeting (Teams, Meets, Zoom, etc)
a. Start your meeting and invite students to join using their individual devices.
b. Share your screen.
c. Watch live stream at

See the full Student LIVE Lesson FAQ at

Recorded PPV

Within 24 hours of purchasing a replay, you will receive an email with information on how to schedule your lesson(s).

Within 24 hours of your scheduled lesson you will receive an email with information on how to watch.

You will only be able to watch the lesson during the scheduled time. (Starting 15 min before thru 2 hr after scheduled time.)

Each replay is valid for use in a single classroom.